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Wherever you live — Rockville, Columbia, Annapolis or the District — some roadways and intersections have acquired a bad name over years of traffic problems. Blind corners, hidden driveways, dangerous curves and ill-timed traffic lights are all blamed from time to time as factors in various local car, truck and motorcycle accidents. While not every accident can be blamed on road design or designated speed limits, there may be some legitimacy behind the bad reputations some stretches of roadway receive.

Given that fact, we as Maryland personal injury attorneys understand the many and varied causal factors linked to traffic wrecks that happen around the state. A passenger vehicle crash or trucking-related highway wreck may very well have something to do with the stretch of pavement itself. Sadly, it sometimes takes numerous injuries and even some deaths for people to sit up and really take notice; pushing their local municipalities or the state to do something to correct an obviously deadly situation.

Just last month, two woman were seriously injured in a multi-car accident along a stretch of Rte 214 in Anne Arundel Co. Based on the various comments following the brief news article we happened upon, one would think that this situation could have been predicted in advance. According to one local resident, the intersection where the accident occurred on February 2nd is itself a “death trap” where two lanes of traffic are required to merge prior to the crossroads.

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We’d like to take this opportunity to remind drivers in and around Maryland to always be alert to potential traffic dangers, be it in Rockville, Gaithersburg, Howie or the District. More to the point, be aware that police officers doing their jobs should be given a wide berth when approaching and passing police cruiser. Furthermore, while we all understand that it’s sometimes difficult to avoid staring at the scene of a car accident or other roadside emergency, this is no time to be losing one’s concentration on other aspects of the roadway and traffic in the immediate area.

As Maryland injury attorneys, we’ve seen enough victims of car, truck and motorcycle crashes to know the value of safe and conscientious drivers. And, having represented our share of individuals hurt by the negligent, careless or deliberately harmful actions of another motorist, we know the pain and discomfort that can accompany bodily injuries received in roadway collision.

High-speed car and trucking-related crashes can cause extensive injury or even death; both driver and passengers are at risk when something goes wrong at expressway speeds. As we said previously, highway patrol officers and other law enforcement and emergency personnel are members of a larger group of at-risk individuals when it comes to traffic accidents.

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As we have reported on in the past, our children are some of the most innocent of victims when it comes to traffic accidents here in Maryland and across the U.S. as a whole. Anything that can be done to better protect these youngsters from injury or death as a result of a car, bus or trucking-related accident would be well worth the time and effort expended on such an endeavor.

As Maryland personal injury lawyers, I and my staff of legal professionals are dedicated to our clients, many of whom have been hurt or injured as a result of another driver’s negligence or thoughtlessness. Whether those actions involve deliberate flouting of our traffic laws or other statutes created to make our society a safer place; or if the defendant was simply not paying attention to the job of driving a motor vehicle correctly, a personal injury lawsuit is often called for.

Many times, victims and their families are left to foot the bill for thousands of dollars of medical bills and physical rehabilitation costs following an injury-related traffic collision. Insurance companies will often try to lessen the payout, which leaves those injured victims with little or no option. For families with small children, the last thing anyone wants is for that little boy or girl to be hurt in a car or truck crash.

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There is nothing so tragic as a baby, toddler or young child being hurt or killed as a result of an accident. What makes things more unbearable for parents is when that accident could have been avoided through forethought or other preventative measures. Kids hurt as a result of automobile and trucking-related collisions fall into this category.

Whereas, some roadway incidents may occur as a result of truly unexpected circumstances, the factors that lead to some of these traffic-related accidents, which ultimately cause personal injury, can often be tied to some failure of man or machine; nature, of course, being one of the less controllable factors.

Being personal injury attorneys here in Maryland, we typically represent persons seriously hurt or injured in and around Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, Annapolis and Washington, D.C. While some of the more deadly accidents involve motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrian collisions with cars and truck, automobile wrecks generally represent a range of outcomes.

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Pedestrian injuries and fatalities can happen anywhere people on foot mix with automobile traffic; whether in crosswalks, at bus stops, near taxi stands or on neighborhood streets, there always exists the potential for an individual to be hit or run over by a commercial vehicle or passenger car; even as a result of a motorcycle collision.

Auto-pedestrian traffic accidents are not simple incidents, since they can very often result in serious injuries to the relatively unprotected and helpless victim. Numerous bodily injuries are possible as a result of pedestrian collisions (which also include car-bicycle crashes as well). The injuries sustained can range from minor cuts and bruises to more serious broken bones and compound fractures.

In addition, back and neck injuries can occur; and many times the worst can be a closed-head, or traumatic brain injury. As Baltimore, MD, personal injury attorneys representing individuals in Maryland and Washington, D.C., we understand how extensive these injuries can be, and also how difficult it is for a person to recover from one or more of the more serious ones.

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If anyone needs an example of the many senseless and deadly car, truck and motorcycle accidents that take the lives of thousands every year in this country, it would be the recent automobile crash that killed jazz bassist Joe Byrd just last week. Right off the bat, we should mention that Mr. Byrd was the victim here, killed as a result of a two vehicle collision that police say was caused by another driver with an apparently bad driving record.

As Maryland personal injury attorneys, I and my colleagues have seen too many people killed, maimed or disabled for life to believe that fate is kind to those people caught in serious car accidents. From drunken drivers to aggressive individuals behind the wheel, too many passenger vehicle and commercial trucking accidents happen as a result of inattention, distraction, speeding, or just plain negligence.

According to news reports, the accident that killed Mr. Byrd was not caused by a driver unaccustomed to run-ins with the law. The suspect apparently had a great many instances of having his license suspended for likely serious traffic offences. I’m sure that many people have heard the voices of safety advocates calling for stricter measures for multiple traffic offenders; here is one example of how one individual essentially stole the life of another.

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We’ve mentioned it before, but we’ll say it again; reading the various news stories about traffic accident across this state could lead one to believe that personal responsibility and accepting the blame for a traffic accident one has caused is a thing of the past, at least for some people. Of course, the majority of motorists out there are decent people and upright citizens, but there are also a certain percentage of scofflaws and negligent individuals who prefer to run from their problems instead of stand and take their punishment.

Being personal injury attorneys, representing those innocent victims of car, truck and motorcycle accidents here in Maryland and also over in Washington, D.C., I and my staff know the pain that can be inflicted — both physically and emotionally — when a driver commits a thoughtless or outright negligent act against another driver. And remember, not only do other motorists suffer injuries during a roadway collision, but the occupants of those cars as well as individuals standing nearby can be hurt or killed as a result of a car crash.

The point we would like to make is that there are good drivers, there are bad drivers, and there are truly despicable driver; the last of this group are represented by those individuals who drive away following a bad car or trucking-related accident. Police can usually catch the perpetrators, but this is not always possible. In the end, the driver who committed the bad act must live with his or her conscience; yet that is cold comfort for the victims of such motor vehicle accidents who must sometimes live for months or years with constant pain. Never mind the families of people killed in hit-and-run car accidents.

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Not attempting to be trite here, however it’s somewhat true that a car accident can happen anytime, anywhere; but in one’s living room? The fact is, every day automobile, commercial truck and motorcycle accidents happen all across the 50 states, resulting in property damage, personal injury and occasionally traffic fatalities. But how common is it for a motor vehicle to hit a house or commercial establishment?

Quite frankly, as Maryland personal injury lawyers, in our line of work it is not unusual for a potential client to walk through our doors complaining of pain or other injury-related problems resulting from a car or trucking accident. Some personal injury plaintiffs are actually hurt by cars and truck while seated in a restaurant, standing on a sidewalk, or shopping at a grocery store. It may not happen frequently, but nothing surprises us when it comes to so-called pedestrian accidents.

Of course, the distance that a building is from a roadway has a direct bearing on the odds of it ever being hit by an out-of-control car or semi tractor-trailer rig. Obviously, homes, apartments, motels and commercial buildings located adjacent to major thoroughfares are the most at risk. By extension, the innocent people inside those structures are also at risk, though they may not realize it until the unthinkable happens.

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Patience may be a virtue, but impatience can be downright dangerous, especially when one is operating a motor vehicle. Whether here in Baltimore, out in Gaithersburg or over in Washington, D.C., traffic control signals and traffic laws exist for everyone’s safety. When one person goes outside the boundaries of the law — whether due to selfishness, ignorance or outright neglect — someone is bound to be harmed. It may not happen today or tomorrow, but it will eventually happen.

Whether one drives for a living — such being a commercial trucker, school bus driver or a limousine chauffeur — or one is just a private car owner, following and obeying traffic laws is essential to safe vehicle operation. By extension, keep one’s vehicle safe means keeping one’s own self safe as well as any passengers that you may have traveling with you.

Being Maryland personal injury lawyers and representing individuals who have been hurt as a result of another driver’s negligence, we can say unequivocally that that lack of patience or ignorance of traffic safety laws and rules of the road can get a person injured or killed just as easily as stepping off the top ledge of a 10-story building. One difference between falling from a tall building and being hit by another vehicle on the highway is that it’s a great deal more obvious what is going to happen should one step away from the relative safety of that rooftop.

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We’re not ones to begrudge anyone their choice of entertainment or mode of personal escape from the daily rigors and stresses of modern life. Certainly it’s no surprise that living in cities such as Baltimore, Annapolis, Gaithersburg and Washington, D.C., can push many individuals to seek a pleasant source of diversion from the so-called rat race. But, regardless of the reason for choosing to isolate oneself from the everyday world, a recent study suggests doing just that — in the middle of a bustling urban environment — may actually be dangerous to one’s health; deadly, in fact.

As Maryland auto injury lawyers, we’ve represented numerous victims of car, truck and motorcycle accidents in their quest to recover costs associated with traffic accidents caused by another negligent party. Since a percentage of automobile and trucking accident cases involve people either on foot or riding bicycles, we found it interesting that the University of Maryland’s School of Medicine in cooperation with the University of Maryland Medical Center produced a study naming headphones and personal entertainment devices as leading contributors to pedestrian-related traffic injuries.

According to news reports, the study concluded that pedestrians who use various electronic devices that utilize headphones to listen to audio content have experienced a near tripling of their injury rate over the past six years.

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