Any Marylander who has sustained an injury as a result of another person’s negligence, thoughtlessness or inattention will understand that it is important to consult with a qualified Maryland personal injury attorney before making any decisions going forward. As experienced auto accident lawyers, I and my colleagues are dedicated to representing victims of car, truck and motorcycle accidents.
With years of experience in personal injury lawsuits, as well as having the needed skills and training to handle personal injury cases, we know that people are constantly being exposed to dangers, some of which can result in serious injury and even death. Be aware that any person who is intentional or carelessly injured by a negligent individual has the right to lodge a personal injury suit or claim against the negligent party.
In cases involving an automobile or commercial trucking accident, if a driver, company or other entity is found by a court to be legally responsible for the victim’s injury, the party who is liable for causing a particular injury may be ordered to pay what the law refers to as compensatory damages to cover losses incurred by the plaintiff, such as medical expenses and costs related to work-loss issues. This type of award differs from that of ”punitive damages,” which may also be rewarded under certain circumstances. Punitive damages are levied against a defendant when he court feels the responsible party needs to be punished for causing the injury.