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Being charged with negligence following a fatal car crash can seem worlds away from the events leading up to the incident itself. Many people cannot imagine themselves on the receiving end of a wrongful death civil suit, much less a criminal trial resulting from a traffic accident weeks or months prior. As Maryland personal injury attorneys, I and my colleagues see scenarios such as this one play out on a regular basis all across the state.

And so it is, that being possibility of being involved in a fatal car, truck or motorcycle collision is not so remote as many drivers might believe it to be. All it takes is a moment of indecision, inaction or thoughtlessness for a pleasant Sunday drive to turn into a nightmare scenario. Surely for the victims and their families, a fatal car or commercial trucking accident is nothing that can be expected, not planned for. But once it happens, the survivors’ world may be turned completely upside down.

Simply the loss of a loved one is enough to cause serious emotional pain on the part of the victim’s family. But the financial toll that the death of a mother or father can also send shockwaves through the family unit, especially those with toddlers or younger children who will never again see their loving parent’s face or feel their comforting touch.

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Seeing as many automobile and trucking accident news stories as we do, one would think that I and my colleagues would become inured to the fate of these people and their families, but the opposite is more likely the case. As Maryland personal injury lawyers, the legal professionals at my firm are cognizant of the trials and heartache that individuals and families go through any time a loved one is hurt or killed in a senseless traffic accident.

Whether a crash occurs here in Maryland or over in The District, the same feelings of helplessness and vulnerability can affect any number of victims or surviving family members. Besides the potential hospital bills from conditions ranging from compound fractures and deep lacerations to spinal cord injuries and closed-head trauma, there also remains the emotional scars of the traffic accident that placed a family’s loved one in a possibly precarious and life-threatening position.

The following news items are just the tip of the iceberg, where thousands of regular people going about normal everyday lives get swept up in a perfect storm of pain, strife and possible financial pressure all because another individual, who they had never met, made a faulty decision or negligent act that brought both parties together in a serious and sometimes fatal car, truck or motorcycle wreck. Many of these news stories are not easy to take, but they do point up the fragility of life and the need for constant vigilance when driving in and around our state.

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Regardless of whether a car, truck or motorcycle wreck occurs here in the Greater Baltimore area, over in Gaithersburg, or out in the Washington, D.C., area, victims are likely to be injured and in need of medical care. Some serious injuries can present life-threatening complications, while other less fortunate individuals may die at the scene. One common thread is usually present: Many car and commercial trucking crashes could have been avoided if not for the negligent actions of another driver.

Aside from the inevitable hospital bills and costs of medical treatment, not to mention weeks or months of rehab for those seriously injured, the families of deceased victims have little to no consolation for their loss. Besides the obvious financial impact of losing a primary breadwinner to a senseless traffic wreck, widowed spouses their children suffer the emotional vacuum in the wake of a fatal car crash.

As Maryland personal injury attorneys, I and my colleagues understand all facets of loss regarding a fatal traffic accident. Wrongful death suits not only take into account the loss of income due to the death of a working mother or father, but also the loss of non-tangible “assets,” such as love and affection, as well as the nurturing presence of a parent no longer alive to care for and guide the growth of his or her children.

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Car, truck and motorcycle collisions happen all over our state, from Bowie and Rockville to Baltimore, Annapolis and over in Washington, D.C. The common thread that each of these incidents usually have in common is that people, innocent men, women and children are hurt during traffic accidents. Whether those injuries are minor (such as simple cuts, bruises and abrasions) or severe (e.g., compound fractures of the arm or leg, traumatic head injury or spinal cord damage) usually depends on a number of factors, such as speed of the vehicles, angle of the collision, age of the passengers, safety equipment in use on the vehicle involved.

As personal injury lawyers practicing in Maryland, we are trained to represent victims of automobile and commercial trucking accidents, as well as other instances of injury caused by a negligent individual or individuals. When severe or critical injuries are involved, we know that the victims’ families can quickly feel the financial pressure of various medical and hospital treatment costs. In addition to the obvious physical injuries, victims can also experience the emotional side effects of a serious car truck or pedestrian accident.

Nearly anyone who has had first-hand experience with a bad traffic collision would likely say that it is not an event that they would want to go through ever again. Especially in cases of high-speed or multi-vehicle collisions on an expressway or freeway, the impact energy can be much greater than that felt in a low-speed fender-bender. The point here is that bodily harm from a major car or truck crash can be many times more serious, and sometimes fatal, than a collision that takes place in a parking garage.

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Listen to almost anyone who has been in a serious traffic accident, if they are even up to discussing it, and you may realize that victims of high-speed roadway collisions are subjected to a great deal of physical abuse in just a matter of moments. The kind of violent energy transfer from a moving vehicle to the human body in just a few microseconds can change a person’s life in the blink of an eye. As Maryland personal injury attorneys, I and my legal staff can appreciate the extent of physical and psychological trauma that an automobile or commercial trucking accident can have on the victims.

Automobile accidents, whether they occur in Gaithersburg, Columbia, Rockville or The District, can result in a range of injuries. From simple bumps and bruises to broken bones, internal injuries and closed-head trauma, there is nothing routine about a serious car, truck or motorcycle wreck. Even those who do everything to avoid and prepare for such an eventuality never quite expect the randomness with which a highway or urban auto collision can occur.

Being personal injury lawyers, trained in and experienced with representing victims of car and truck collisions, we understand how many families can be placed in a difficult financial position following a bad traffic wreck. Aside from the physical and emotional impact of a sudden and violent collision, individuals and entire families may be hit again with costs for extensive surgeries and other medical procedures, not to mention possible long-term rehabilitation, or worse, a lifetime of reduced mobility or other disability.

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Any death, especially a senseless one, is a tragedy no matter what the cause. There can be little argument about that. But the death of a young person who has yet to experience all that life has to offer, that is a tragic waste of life. Children who are hurt in automobile accidents or killed as a result of another individual’s negligence are certainly the most innocent of victims.

Here in the Baltimore area, as well as elsewhere across the state and even in Washington, D.C., it’s not difficult to see the aftermath of a car, truck or motorcycle accident without thinking of those injured in a serious traffic wreck. As Maryland personal injury lawyers, my firm is prepared to take up the fight for those who have been hurt in serious car or trucking-related accidents. When we see a child or young adult whose life has been unalterably changed, our sympathies go out to the entire family.

Of course, the legal aspects of a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit tend to be less compassionate than the thoughts and well-wishes of friends and relatives of the victims. Nevertheless, the law provides those injured by the negligent acts of another to sue for damages in hopes that in some small way the victims and their families can be made whole, or at least be given a fighting chance for a normal life after a tragic accident.

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With the number of serious traffic accidents in tens of thousands every year across this nation, it’s surprising that the death rate from car, truck and motorcycle accidents is not higher than it already is. While alcohol and drug use contributes to a vast number of injury- and fatality-related roadway collisions, the percentage of distracted driving incidents has been rising on its own as one of several major factors in modern-day automobile and commercial trucking wrecks.

As Maryland personal injury lawyers, we understand how even the most innocuous distraction — such as a crying child, spilled coffee or in-car conversation — can draw a driver’s attention away from the task at hand. More than a few motorists and their passengers have been killed thanks to a moments loss of focus on the highway.

While the number and frequency of auto and trucking accidents on our nation’s roads can at times be amazing, it is the actions of police, fire and other emergency personnel that can make the difference between a serious car or truck crash and a fatal one. Part of the response equation can involve the often cited medevac helicopter flights that ferry critically injured victims of traffic accidents from accident scenes all around the country to medical facilities for rapid, and hopefully life-saving treatment.

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A 59-year-old Maryland man died in early May as a result of a three-vehicle pileup on Rte 152 in Fallston, MD. According to news reports, Don E. Jones, Jr. was killed along with another person during the traffic accident. At the time of the news report, authorities from county stated that the sheriff’s office was still in the process of investigating the incident. As Maryland personal injury attorneys, we know that these kinds of investigations can sometimes be long and involved, depending on the circumstances.

From the information available at the time of the news report, it appeared as if the county-owned vehicle that Jones was driving crossed the roadway centerline and hit, head-on an oncoming sport utility vehicle heading southbound in the opposite direction. According to reports, the accident occurred on a Tuesday morning and also involved a Jeep that was following the SUV that Jones’ vehicle struck. There was no mention of whether the crash was caused directly or in part by defective vehicle control systems.

Based on preliminary police reports, the work vehicle that Jones was driving crossed over into opposing traffic and hit a ‘12 GMC SUV. That vehicle was then hit by a ‘94 Jeep Wrangler, also headed on the southbound side of the roadway. Police stated that the 46-year-old operator of the GMC truck, a resident of Essex, MD, died at the scene. Jones apparently survived the initial crash, however he, too, passed away upon his arrival at the Upper Chesapeake Medical Center, located in Bel Air, Maryland.

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As Maryland personal injury lawyers representing victims of car, truck and motorcycle accidents from Annapolis and Bowie to Rockville and Washington, D.C., I and my colleagues find that highway collisions and urban automobile crashes rarely discriminate. These “equal opportunity” accidents can involve individuals from every social strata and any age range.

For those individuals and families of less than modest means, an injury-related car or commercial trucking wreck can result in hefty hospital bills and potentially long-term rehabilitation expenses. What our firm does is to help people who are the victims of another driver’s negligence recover costs related to serious traffic collisions. Whether the victim is an adult injured in a crash or a child hurt while riding in a car, the law provides victims with the opportunity to sue the responsible parties for damages.

A while back an elderly woman was seriously injured in a Harford County roadway collision. Based on news reports, the accident occurred on a Tuesday afternoon near Fallston, MD, along a stretch of Rte 1. The police stated that the automobile collision involved two vehicles when it happened near Rte 152. According to the news articles, Harford County Volunteer Fire and EMS personnel found the victim trapped in her car at around 1pm.

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High-speed car and commercial trucking accidents can result in extensive and serious injury to the victims of such automobile collisions. This goes for vehicle occupants, but bystanders or pedestrians can also be at severe risk of bodily injury or even death when it comes to being hit by a passing car or truck. The chance of critical or fatal injuries on our nation’s expressways and higher-speed rural roads can be increased by a number of factors, not the least of which is inattentive (sometimes impaired) drivers.

With summer upon us, it’s probably a wise idea to be more alert than usual due to the number of vacationers and other potentially distracted drivers on Maryland’s roadways. Whether it’s a parent driving a car-load of noisy children, a younger driver talking with friends in the front seat or a delivery truck driver searching for the next exit, the range of distractions are many and varied these days. And we won’t even get into the potential number of motorists who may be driving while intoxicated.

As we’ve said numerous times before, car, truck and motorcycle accidents occur frequently everywhere across the state. Having worked as Maryland personal injury attorneys for many years, I and my legal staff know that it doesn’t take much to turn a pleasant drive to the beach into an unexpected trip to the hospital. Whether here in Baltimore, over in Columbia, or out in Washington, D.C., a roadway collision can be a life-changing event for some victims.

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