Earlier this month, a Clinton couple died as a result of a fatal accident involving several other vehicles. According to one local news source, the accident took place at the intersection of Kirby Road and Tinkers Creek Drive just before two in the afternoon on a Sunday.
Evidently, two cars had slowed down to allow the victims’ vehicle to turn onto Kirby Road from Tinkers Creek Drive. However, a third vehicle coming up from behind those two vehicles crossed over the median, attempting to pass the slower-moving vehicles. As that third vehicle got back into the proper lane of travel, it rear-ended the victims’ vehicle, which had just turned onto the road and hadn’t had a chance to pick up speed.
When emergency responders arrived at the scene, they found the couple in critical condition. It wasn’t until a few moments later, when they were at the hospital, that they were officially pronounced dead. The driver of the other vehicle suffered only minor injuries.