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Two years ago, actor Paul Walker was killed in a car accident when the Porsche he was riding in as a passenger crashed on a California road. According to one national news source following the lawsuit filed by Walker’s daughter, Porsche recently filed a request with the court to dismiss the case against the company, arguing that Walker’s death was his own fault for getting into the car on the day of the accident.

Evidently, the filing claimed that Walker’s death was the result of his own “comparative fault,” since he knew and assumed the risks involved with getting into the car. The filing claimed that Walker “knowingly and voluntarily assumed all risk, perils, and danger” involved with riding as a passenger in the vehicle, and the vehicle he was riding in was “abused and altered” and improperly maintained. Porsche claims that Walker was aware of these facts when he got into the passenger seat that day, and by doing so he knew the risks involved.

A representative for Walker’s daughter told reporters that Walker was a “passenger in a car that was not designed to protect its occupants, in a crash on a dry, empty straightaway in broad daylight and at speeds well below the vehicle’s advertised capabilities.” He also claimed that, had the car been manufactured with the proper safety features, Walker would likely still be alive today.

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Earlier this week in Germantown, a pedestrian was killed as he crossed Route 355 at around six o’clock in the afternoon. According to a local news source, a northbound driver struck the pedestrian, who was taken to Suburban Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

With more and more people out on the road than ever before, auto manufacturers and lawmakers are constantly looking for technology that can reduce the increasing amount of fatal accidents across the country. According to one recent news article, new technology being developed by a German company may help drivers avoid pedestrian accidents.

Evidently, the Germany-based company, Bosch, is currently working on technology that can act to take over the control of a vehicle that would likely end up hitting a pedestrian. According to researchers, the technology can sense when a pedestrian is nearby and can track their likely trajectory. If the on-board computer believes that the driver is unaware of the pedestrian and that a collision is imminent, brakes can be applied, and the car can even steer itself away from the pedestrian.

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Earlier this month, a one-year-old boy was killed when he was struck by an car that had been hit by a driver who was fleeing police. According to one local news source, the accident occurred on the 5300 block of Monrovia Road.

Evidently, the driver first struck an unoccupied police cruiser that was near the scene of another fatal accident. Instead of stopping, the driver fled the scene with police in tow. Police were chasing the vehicle, which was heading into downtown Baltimore, when it crashed into a Volvo. The Volvo was pushed up onto the curb, where it collided with the one-year-old boy, who was in a stroller being pushed by his mother.

The driver was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital that evening. He was discharged the next day before charges had been filed against him. He left the hospital, and it wasn’t until two days later that charges were filed. At the time of the article’s publication, police were still looking for the man.

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Earlier last month, three adults and one two-year-old child were killed when a woman crashed through a barricade at the Oklahoma State University homecoming parade. Somewhere around 46 others were injured. In a recent local news article, prosecutors told reporters that they believe the woman behind the wheel that day was acting intentionally when she drove her car into the crowd of people.

Evidently, the driver of the vehicle crashed through a barricade and then drove over an unmanned police motorcycle before crashing into the crowd of people. In the aftermath of the accident, police arrested the woman under suspicion of driving under the influence. Prosecutors overseeing the case believe that the tragedy looked as though it was intentionally caused. The results of the toxicology testing have yet to come back from the lab, and charges against the woman are currently pending.

The family of the woman, as well as her attorney, explained to reporters that she has suffered from mental health issues in the past, and this sort of conduct was not in her character.

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Earlier this month in Woodlawn, a pedestrian accident claimed the life of one Maryland woman and seriously injured a second person. According to one local news report, the accident took place in the early morning hours at the intersection of Security Boulevard and Gwynn Oak Avenue.

Evidently, the pedestrians were crossing at an intersection that was not well lit and was not marked with a crosswalk when a Toyota Prius struck them both. The driver of the Prius remained on the scene and has cooperated with the police investigation, which is still ongoing. The 56-year-old woman was taken to Sinai Hospital, where she ultimately succumbed to her injuries. Her male companion was also taken to the hospital, although his condition is not currently known.

The crash remains under investigation, and the driver of the Prius has not yet been cited by authorities for her role in the fatal accident.

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Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of Florida heard a case between the family of a developmentally disabled man and the family’s uninsured motorist insurance carrier, ruling that the insurance carrier was not permitted to bring up evidence of the man’s potential future benefits though Medicare or Medicaid. In the case, Joerg v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, the court determined that it was not proper to allow the defendant to admit evidence of potential future benefits in hopes of decreasing the jury’s damages award amount.

The Facts of the Case

The plaintiffs were the parents of a developmentally disabled man named Luke, who was injured when he was hit by a car while riding his bicycle. Because of his pre-existing disability, Luke was potentially eligible for reimbursement for his medical expenses through the federal Medicare and Medicaid programs.

Initially, the case was filed against both the driver of the car and State Farm, which was the family’s uninsured motorist carrier. However, prior to trial, the family withdrew the case against the driver and proceeded only against State Farm.

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Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of South Carolina heard an interesting case dealing with the trial judge’s ability to modify a jury’s verdict if he or she does not agree with the amount of compensation after liability has been established. In the case, Riley v. Ford Motor Company, the plaintiff was the wife of a man who was killed as a result of a negligently designed door latch on a Ford vehicle.

According to the court’s written opinion, the plaintiff’s husband died when he was driving his Ford truck and swerved to avoid an accident with a high school student who had pulled out in front of him. As the man swerved to avoid the collision, he eventually ended up colliding with a tree and was ejected from the vehicle through the door, which allegedly opened due to the negligently designed door latch.

The woman filed suit against the teenage driver as well as against Ford Motor Company. Prior to trial, the woman settled with the driver, and the case proceeded to trial against Ford only. After hearing the case, the jury determined that Ford was liable to the plaintiff for $300,000.

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Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of Kentucky handed down a decision that reversed the punitive damages awarded by a jury at trial. In the case, Nissan v. Maddox, the plaintiff was a woman who was injured in an accident while driving her Nissan Pathfinder along the highway. Evidently, a drunk driver struck her vehicle head on, severely injuring both the plaintiff and the other occupant in the vehicle. Mrs. Maddox specifically suffered a tear to her bowel and several broken bones.

Mrs. Maddox filed suit against the driver as well as against Nissan. Relevant to this case was her claim against Nissan, which was that the Pathfinder had a defectively designed restraint system and that the company failed to warn customers about this failure.

Mrs. Maddox, who was 240 pounds at the time of the accident, argued that the restraint system was designed for people of medium weight. She also alleged that the front seat was defectively designed, exacerbating her injuries.

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Earlier this month, an Indian Head man was arrested and charged with several DUI-related charges for his involvement in a fatal DUI accident that took place back in April of this year. According to one local news source, the accident took place during the late evening hours of April 28.

Evidently, the man who was recently charged was driving his Chevrolet Silverado northbound on Route 425 when he inexplicably crossed over the center median and collided with a Kia Soul. The two vehicles collided head-on. The driver of the Kia, a 20-year-old Nanjemoy volunteer firefighter, died at the scene of the accident. The driver of the Silverado was also injured, although he was able to recover from his injuries.

After the fatal accident, police suspected the driver of the Silverado of being intoxicated, and they conducted tests to determine if that was the case. Once the tests came back, they indicated that that was indeed the case. Charges were then filed for negligent homicide, homicide by auto, and driving under the influence, and the man was arrested.

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Earlier this month, a young mother and father were killed when the vehicle in which they were riding was struck by another motorist. According to one local news report, the accident occurred just a few blocks from the couple’s home in Clinton.

Evidently, the couple had guests over and stepped out for a few moments. As they were pulling out of their neighborhood, they began to make a right turn. However, before they could finish the turn, another motorist struck their vehicle from the rear. Both the husband and the wife were pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. They left behind three children, ages 10, nine, and two.

Neighbors of the couple told reporters that the intersection where the accident occurred is known as one where drivers routinely speed. Police are currently conducting an investigation into the cause of the fatal accident. However, at the time of the article’s publication, the driver of the other vehicle was not facing criminal charges for his role in the fatal accident.

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