Vacations and holidays are a great opportunity to take the family out for a drive to a favorite beach, campground or picnic location. Unfortunately, holiday traffic throughout Maryland can be frought with potential accidents which can complicate a normally fun and carefree excursion. As a Baltimore and Washington, D.C. personal injury lawyer, I know how certain factors can result in an unforeseen automobile or commercial truck accident.
Whether vacationers are driving a passenger car, minivan or going solo on their motorcycle, danger on the roadways is still present regardless of the occasion. And injuries caused by careless or drunken drivers can ruin a family outing, not to mention a family’s future happiness and security. We’ve seen too many husbands, wives, children and grandparents hurt unnecessarily as a result of a tragic motor vehicle collision.
During Labor Day weekend there were numerous traffic accidents across the state of Maryland. According to a report out of Ocean County, MD, half a dozen people alone were injured in several different traffic accidents on Labor Day itself. Based on reports, car crashes in the resort town included pedestrian-auto accident and a hit-and-run crash.