Seeing as many automobile and trucking accident news stories as we do, one would think that I and my colleagues would become inured to the fate of these people and their families, but the opposite is more likely the case. As Maryland personal injury lawyers, the legal professionals at my firm are cognizant of the trials and heartache that individuals and families go through any time a loved one is hurt or killed in a senseless traffic accident.
Whether a crash occurs here in Maryland or over in The District, the same feelings of helplessness and vulnerability can affect any number of victims or surviving family members. Besides the potential hospital bills from conditions ranging from compound fractures and deep lacerations to spinal cord injuries and closed-head trauma, there also remains the emotional scars of the traffic accident that placed a family’s loved one in a possibly precarious and life-threatening position.
The following news items are just the tip of the iceberg, where thousands of regular people going about normal everyday lives get swept up in a perfect storm of pain, strife and possible financial pressure all because another individual, who they had never met, made a faulty decision or negligent act that brought both parties together in a serious and sometimes fatal car, truck or motorcycle wreck. Many of these news stories are not easy to take, but they do point up the fragility of life and the need for constant vigilance when driving in and around our state.