According to reports, Montgomery County emergency rescue crews arrived on the scene along with other responders to assist victims of a multiple-vehicle traffic accident along a stretch of the Capital Beltway recently. The accident occurred just before 2pm in the afternoon and included a commercial delivery truck, a semi tractor-trailer rig and several passenger cars.
As Baltimore car accident attorneys and Washington, D.C., personal injury lawyers, we know that these kinds of highway collisions happen every week in Maryland and around the country. The results of a car-truck wreck can range from minor to life-threatening, with injuries including simple bumps, bruises and cuts to serious neck and spinal cord damage. Sadly, many victims families receive a call from local police that a loved one has been critically injured and may not recover.
In all of these accidents, one common element is usually linked to the incident; that of a negligent party. This may be another driver, whose questionable actions may have triggered a series of events that led to the roadway collision; or, the cause can sometimes be traced to a defective component on a car or truck, such as a poorly designed steering or braking system part.
Even a car’s tire, something every driver relies upon for safe travel day in and day out, can have a manufacturing flaw that ultimately leads to a catastrophic blow-out and possible loss of vehicle control, especially at highway speeds. Whatever the reason, when it comes to defective vehicle equipment there is potential for third-party negligence and a possible lawsuit against the responsible individual or entity.