Articles Posted in Fatal Traffic Accidents

With the holidays not far away, this may be a good time to remind everyone to be especially cautious when driving this winter. From the standpoint of traffic accidents, after-work parties, holiday gatherings and other festivities always invite some amount of alcohol consumption. While most Maryland residents are aware of the way in which beer, wine and hard liquor can impair a driver’s judgment, some individuals choose to ignore that fact and drive anyway.

As a Baltimore automobile accident and personal injury lawyer, I and my colleagues have seen the results of more than enough DWI and DUI accidents to know that it’s not worth the risk to drive while under the influence of alcohol. Passenger car crashes, motorcycle wrecks and commercial trucking collisions have all been caused from time to time by a drunken or drug-impaired driver.

The seriousness of any accident will typically impact the number and extent of any injuries sustained by the occupants of each vehicle involved in the collision. Depending on the kind of accident — head-on crash, rollover, side-impact collision, etc. — passengers can receive mild to severe injuries. From minor cuts and bruises to heavy concussions and spinal trauma, the potential for extensive and prolonged medical treatment is always present.

Drunk driving is a known killer on Maryland’s highways and surface streets. And as long as alcohol is available to adults there will, sadly, be drunken driving accidents on our roadways. As a Maryland automobile accident attorney, I see reports every week of innocent people hurt, injured or killed as a result of another driver’s negligence.

In the case of driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol and prescription medication, drivers have a responsibility not to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle when they are impaired. That’s why we have the concept of designated drivers; to help prevent serious and sometimes deadly drinking-related car, truck and motorcycle accidents from happening.

Some might say it’s a matter of conscience, but it should really be a matter of personal responsibility to oneself and the rest of society. Yet there are drivers every day who take the wheel of a potentially deadly two-ton weapon when they know full well that they have had too much to drink. Many get from Point A to Point B without killing someone; others aren’t as lucky. The innocent drivers who are killed or injured are always the unlucky ones.

Drivers see the signs all of the time: Construction Zone, Reduced Speed Ahead, Give ‘em a Brake. As Maryland motorists we enjoy the convenience that our highways and interstates provide and the ease with which we can cross the state or the country in our cars, trucks and buses. But the construction and maintenance of these concrete and asphalt ribbons is a constant job. That’s where highway workers earn their keep.

But safety for these men and women is a relative and fleeting thing. With hundreds of passengers cars, motorcycles, SUVs and commercial delivery trucks passing by construction zones every hour the opportunity for injury is always present. How those individuals function in such a dangerous environment most of us will never know, the fact is a number of highway workers are killed every year as a result of car accidents and just plain negligence on the part of some drivers.

Families of the victims may have a hard time making ends meet, what with possible medical bills and lost wages suffered as a result of a construction zone crash. Whatever the situation, it’s never easy for a family to recover emotionally from the death of a breadwinner, much less a mother or father, wife or husband. This comes to mind just a story hit the wires about two Maryland highway workers who were killed not very long ago on a stretch of Rte 228.

If there is any advice that we would give to people it would be take care whenever you cross the street on foot. Regardless of how well you know a stretch of road, never for a moment assume that cars and trucks will see you in the street, especially at night. As Baltimore personal injury attorneys and auto accident lawyers, I and my colleagues have the skills to help victims of car, truck and motorcycle accidents, as well as pedestrian-auto collisions.

The sad thing is we seem to be constantly bombarded by stories of pedestrian injury accidents, and sometimes fatal crashes. Again, when crossing a busy city street or a quiet country road, exercise the same caution you would want a loved one to use. The reason is simple: People on foot are no match for a larger and much heavier motor vehicle. Injuries sustained in a pedestrian-auto accident can range from cuts and bruises to traumatic brain injury and death. Cross the street safely and live to see another day.

As we say this, we are aware that accidents like the one that happened recently in Pasadena, MD, will likely continue to occur. According to the news, a man who was trying to cross the road in Pasadena was stuck and killed by a passing car. Police reports indicate that the victim, 49-year-old Adam J. O’Conner, was hit while crossing Fort Smallwood Road around 11pm.

Anytime a person dies in a traffic accident it is a tragedy, but when a young person is killed in a car crash the hopes and dreams of that child’s family also die. An entire future erased in a matter of moments. As a Baltimore auto accident lawyer and personal injury attorney, one of the most painful experiences is meeting with the parents of a child lost to a senseless car or trucking crash.

As drivers we are all expected to take care and use caution when traveling Maryland’s highways and surface streets. Of course, accidents happen, but no one wants to experience a fatal crash that takes the life of a loved one. When an individual, young or old, is killed as a result of another person’s negligence, it may be appropriate to file a wrongful death claim.

These kinds of law suits allow members of a family to receive compensation for their loss. While the death of a child does not usually result in lost wages, compensation is still possible in such cases. For example, compensation can also be for loss of comfort, love and or companionship, not just and financial support. One must always keep in mind that death does not preclude recovery for any suffering or pain that the victim may have experienced prior to death as a result of another’s wrongful or negligent actions.

Accidents happen for numerous and varied reasons. The ones that occur due to driver error are quite common and can range from simple fender-benders to deadly high-speed head-on collisions. As a Maryland personal injury lawyer working to help victims of automobile, trucking and motorcycle accidents, I know the pain and sadness that comes in the wake of a tragic and fatal traffic wreck.

When a person is believed to be at fault, it’s sometimes easier for a victim’s family to focus their anger. On the other hand, sometimes there isn’t an immediately known reason for a terrible car accident that takes the life of a loved one. Defective vehicle equipment, which usually comes under the heading of product liability, has no face and can sometimes be difficult to come to terms with.

No matter what the cause, when a person dies in a single-vehicle crash, questions loom both for the family and for the authorities. Police and other forensic investigators can usually get to the bottom of the cause for a loss of vehicle control. It’s not unheard of for a car or truck’s braking system to have proven faulty or poorly maintained. With such a critical safety system compromised by another’s negligence, a mechanical failure can quickly escalate into a fatal car or trucking accident.

Once again the senseless loss of life hits the news. This time, Maryland State Police point to speeding and aggressive driving as the likely cause of a horrendous accident that left three adults and one toddler dead in the aftermath. Describing the crash, law enforcement authorities say that the multi-car crash was “uncommonly violent.”

As a Baltimore personal injury lawyer who represents victims of traffic collisions and other automotive accidents, I have helped individuals following bad accidents. This particular crash likely should never have happened. One can only feel for the families of those killed and hope that the survivors make full and rapid recoveries.

According to the news reports, the head-on collision and subsequent deaths and injuries began when a Nissan Cube stuffed with seven individuals was being driven in what police termed and aggressive manner northbound along Rte 113. Based on reports, the driver of the vehicle was traveling very fast and passing other cars on the road in posted “no-passing” zones.

Defective automotive equipment can be just as deadly as a drunken driver when it comes to traffic accidents and fatalities on Maryland roadways. As a Baltimore car accident lawyer and personal injury attorney, I understand how poorly designed or maintained safety systems on cars, trucks and commercial motor vehicles can result in catastrophic roadway crashes leading to injuries and possible death.

Both the vehicle manufacturers and the maintenance facilities for those vehicles must do their part to ensure that all systems work as designed. Defective equipment can ihis include braking systems, steering components, lights and seatbelts, among others. If any system fails to work properly it could cause an accident or make any future accident more dangerous for the occupants, not to mention those motorists in the vicinity of a serious crash.

According to news articles, a law suit against the Japanese auto maker, Toyota, claims that the company knew as far back as 2003 about the possible acceleration risk on some of its vehicles. Based on reports, a Toyota technician stated in 2003 that sudden acceleration is an “extremely dangerous problem.” This was a full six years prior to the first of many recalls that the company has had to issue.

Every so often a life-altering event occurs that makes people think: What would I do in a similar situation? The death of a family member is always a shock to the survivors and everyone involved can be affected a different way. As a Baltimore automobile accident attorney and Maryland personal injury lawyer, I understand that reaching a settlement that will best help the victim’s family is one of the most important goals in a wrongful death suit.

Not only medical costs, but lost wages and other financial matters left in the wake of an untimely death are all concerns for the surviving family members. A recent wrongful death suit was settled, according to news reports, leaving the family of the victim with only $100,000 for the apparent loss of a husband and provider.

Based on court records, the family of 57-year-old John Short accepted the $100,000 limit payable by another driver’s insurance company in the case of a fatal crash on the Bay Bridge back a couple of years ago. According to reports, Short died on August 10, 2008, when he steered his semi tractor-trailer rig off the bridge as he tried to avoid hitting an oncoming vehicle driven by 19-year-old Candy Baldwin.

Defective vehicle equipment can be one cause of fatal or near-fatal automobile accidents. As a Maryland car accident attorney and personal injury lawyer, the potential for injury in a highway collision is quiet high when a critical vehicle system, such as steering or brakes, fails to function properly. As drivers, we rely on our vehicles to be not only trouble free, but remain safe for long periods of time and over tens of thousands of miles.

While many car and truck accidents are caused by another person’s negligence, instances of defective equipment can and do occur raising the question of product liability in the minds of victims and their attorneys. Not long ago, a Baltimore County resident was tragically killed when her vehicle was struck by another car whose driver apparently lost control of it.

According to news reports, the accident happened along a stretch of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in Anne Arundel County at about 8:30pm on a Wednesday evening. Maryland State Troopers arriving at the scene determined that a ‘98 Toyota Camry traveling south crossed the median and hit a northbound ‘96 Chevrolet Metro driven by Stacy Alvater.

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