If one could turn back the clock and prevent a tragic accident or even a less serious one, would it be all that difficult to do? As Maryland automobile and commercial trucking accident attorneys, we’d have to say, “Yes and no.” Understanding how car, truck and motorcycle crashes come to pass is something that every personal injury lawyer learns early on. And while we can’t say unequivocally that changing any one factor leading to a car or commercial truck collision would alter the future, it would not surprise us either.
In cases of a serious mechanical problem leading to a driver’s inability to control his or her vehicle, avoiding the failure of a steering, suspension or braking component could actually avert disaster. Of course, going back in time is only a dream in the real world, which is why we must deal with the consequences of a negligent act or a defective product that may result in a bad traffic wreck.
As personal injury lawyers serving Maryland residents, as well as those people who may have been injured in traffic accidents in the District of Columbia, we know that certain overt acts by drivers can result in a traffic crash or pedestrian accident. Of course, by avoiding certain car, truck and motorcycle collisions, drivers and passengers alike could avoid the various fractures, internal injuries, closed-head trauma and spinal cord damage.