
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog


Maryland Pedestrian Injury Accident News: Police Officer among People Injured in Anne Arundel Car Crash

It’s time again to remind drivers in Annapolis, Rockville, Baltimore and the District to be alert when approaching police patrol cars and other emergency vehicles stopped on the roadside; this is because injury accidents do happen to law enforcement officers and emergency personnel while doing their jobs on Maryland’s highways…


No Drunken Driving Charges for Annapolis Motorist in Fatal New Years Hit-and-Run Pedestrian Accident

Charges of drunken driving were apparently not pressed against an Anne Arundel driver who allegedly caused a fatal pedestrian-car crash in the Annapolis area on New Year’s Day, 2010. According to police reports, the driver left the scene and when he turned himself in he refused a breathalyzer test to…


Maryland Auto Accident News: Woman Escapes Serious Injury following Multi-vehicle Traffic Wreck on Beltway

According to reports, Montgomery County emergency rescue crews arrived on the scene along with other responders to assist victims of a multiple-vehicle traffic accident along a stretch of the Capital Beltway recently. The accident occurred just before 2pm in the afternoon and included a commercial delivery truck, a semi tractor-trailer…


Maryland Personal Injury Update: Following Painful Traffic Accidents, Insurance Companies can Increase the Discomfort

It’s a fair bet that more than one motorist in Annapolis, Gaithersburg, Washington, D.C., or Rockville has been dismayed to find that his or her health insurance company has demanded to be repaid for the costs that their insured toted up as a result of an automobile, motorcycle or trucking…


Baltimore Personal Injury News: Maryland Man Allegedly Driving Drunk Goes Wrong Way, Hits Second Vehicle

It seems that we cannot get away from the latest spate of drunken driving-related traffic accidents. While it is a forgone conclusion that driving while impaired by alcohol, prescription medication or illicit drugs can get a person arrested and charged with DWI or DUI, a percentage of passenger car drivers,…


Rockville Man Gets 20 Years for Deaths of Two Pedestrians in Fatal Drunken Driving Crash

We’ve said it before, but once again it bears repeating; causing a traffic death while driving under the influence here in Maryland or the District of Columbia is simply unforgivable and no amount of excuses or apologies can make things right again. If you don’t believe this, consider the recent…


Maryland Auto Injury News: School Bus Crash in Queen Anne’s County Injures 17 Children and Adults

In the realm of roadway crashes, school bus accidents can be one of the most harrowing in the minds of mothers and fathers everywhere. There are few things that alarm most any parent than the possibility of injury-related or fatal traffic accident that involves young children and other minors. This…


Maryland Pedestrian Injury News: Young Boy Hit by Car Outside McDonald’s Restaurant in Baltimore County

Having represented many individuals injured, hurt or permanently disabled in automobile accidents here in Maryland, we can say that the youngest of these victims, children and toddlers, are many times the most at risk in traffic-related accidents. Being small of stature and difficult to see in the first place, youngsters…


Baltimore Automobile and Trucking Accident News: Maryland State Trooper Dies in Collision with Semi Rig

Even experienced drivers and other professionals who operate motor vehicles for a living can be caught in a serious or fatal car, truck or motorcycle crash. As Baltimore auto accident lawyers and D.C. personal injury attorneys, we represent numerous individuals who have been hurt in traffic collisions between passenger cars,…


Baltimore Pedestrian Injury Accident News: Crossing Guard Hit by School Bus in Glen Burnie, Maryland

Even those people charged with the safety and security of others can be thrust into a situation where their lives are placed in jeopardy. Police officers, fire fighters and ambulance personnel are just a few of the civil servants that respond to automobile, commercial truck and motorcycle-related traffic accidents as…

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