It could be an alarming trend or just a brief hiccup, but whatever the end result turns out to be, it’s a bit unnerving to read that 911 callers hoping for help in emergencies such as personal injury accidents, car and truck crashes, and the like might be placed on…
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog
Baltimore Auto Accident News: Medevac Choppers Help Get Victims of Traffic Accidents to Hospitals Quickly
How often have we all read the words, “Accident victims were evacuated to local hospitals by Medevac helicopter,” yet it’s not often that people give much thought to the life-saving advantages of a medical chopper flight to a not-so-local hospital. While many readers might consider medevac services truly useful only…
Baltimore Traffic Accident News: Two Dead in Fatal Early Morning Highway Collision in Cecil County, MD
Faulty vehicle equipment is just one of the many causes of fatal and injury-related auto, truck and motorcycle wrecks here in Maryland. While failure of safety equipment and other critical vehicle control systems may only account for a small percentage of traffic fatalities, this is nonetheless a potential for tragic…
Baltimore Injury Accident News: Elderly Maryland Resident Dies in Anne Arundel County Two-car Traffic Collision
When it comes to surviving a serious car, motorcycle or commercial truck accident, fate does not discriminate between young or old, man or woman, driver or passenger. Depending on the type of accident, injuries can range from minor to severe, or somewhere in between. In the worst of cases, fatal…
Baltimore Traffic Accident News: Driver Runs Red Light, Causes Multi-Car Crash in Bel Air, MD
While it may seem that only innocent people are hurt in automobile crashes, there are many instances when the individual who was found to be at fault is also injured; sometimes severely. Numerous Maryland car, truck and motorcycle crashes are caused every year by drunken or otherwise impaired, distracted or…
Maryland Woman Taken to Hospital with Critical Injuries following 3-Car St. Mary’s County Traffic Accident
Being in the right doesn’t always mean one is safe from danger on the road. The reason we say this is that there are many people out there who may feel that when they have the right-of-way, it’s another person’s problem if they are injured in a Rockville, Frederick or…
Maryland Auto Accident News: Anne Arundel Police Officer Reportedly Involved in Six Previous Car Crashes
As Baltimore automobile and trucking accident attorneys, I and my staff have the utmost respect for our law enforcement officers here in Maryland and around the country. There is no question that state and municipal patrolmen put their lives on the line nearly every day in this state, enforcing traffic…
Baltimore Auto Accident News: Maryland Woman Dies in Single-car Anne Arundel County Rollover Crash
Although it’s difficult to imagine, at least for those who haven’t been in a car crash, a single-vehicle accident can be quite serious for those involved. And while the circumstances of a single-car or single-truck wreck are unique, the results are typically similar depending on the severity of the crash…
Baltimore Personal Injury News: Pasadena, MD, Man Dies in Glen Burnie Traffic Accident
During the summer months is when we tend to see a greater frequency of car-motorcycle accidents here in Maryland. Of course, most every motorcycle rider knows that his or her chosen pastime can be fraught with risks, but when managed well those risks can be minimized, though not always eliminated.…
Maryland Personal Injury News: Glen Burnie Man Killed in Car Accident with Unlicensed Teen Driver
It’s one thing for an unlicensed or uninsured individual to drive a motor vehicle unlawfully on a public road without incident, but it’s a totally different story when someone who is untrained, uninsured or otherwise unauthorized to drive and then crash that car, truck or motorcycle on the street. To…