
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog


Maryland Auto Accident News: Police Say Excessive Speed Contributed to Fatal Calvert County SUV Crash

As Baltimore auto accident attorneys, my firm represents individuals injured as a result of a car, motorcycle or trucking-related highway collision. Naturally, being Maryland personal injury lawyers, we understand the factors that can contribute to a serious or fatal traffic wreck. As such, we know that vehicle speed and mechanical…


Maryland Personal Injury News: Two Die in Fatal Fells Point, MD, Car Accident

Fatal car crashes leave behind more than broken families; sometimes they can also spell the end of young and promising lives. As Baltimore personal injury attorneys, I and my colleagues have felt the very deep and profound sadness of loss from victims’ families and others who have known the deceased.…


Annapolis Personal Injury News: Bar Sold Liquor to Underage Maryland Motorist Who Died in Fatal Accident

Highway deaths in and around Baltimore, Rockville, the District, and Frederick, MD, occur for dozens of reasons every month. Many of these fatal car, motorcycle and commercial trucking accidents could possibly be avoided or mitigated in one way or another, but sadly not all. Drunken driving contributes to a significant…


Maryland Auto Injury Update: Nationwide, Male Drivers More Likely to Drink and Drive than Females

Disconcerting as it may be, a recently released study by the national Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows that men are more inclined to operate car, trucks and motorcycles while under the influence of alcohol than are females. As Maryland personal injury attorneys, we are hardly surprised at the finding…


Baltimore County Auto Accident News: Elderly Maryland Driver Dies in Fatal Two-Car Roadway Collision

An elderly woman died following a two-car accident in Kingsville, MD, after the vehicle she was operating was struck by another car along a stretch of Belair Rd. The driver of the second vehicle was seriously injured as a result of the crash and was able to leave the hospital…


Maryland Automobile Accident Update: Surviving a Bad Car Crash Doesn’t Mean the Pain is Over

As personal injury lawyers representing victims of traffic accidents in Maryland and Washington, D.C., we know that recovering from a serious car, truck or motorcycle wreck involves more than just being treated for severe or life-threatening injuries, but also means facing the possibility of persistent and sometimes chronic pain for…


Baltimore Personal Injury News: Driver Escapes Drowning in Howard County after Driving Car into Pool

For some people, aging is accompanied by a progressive loss of physical and mental capabilities. Sadly, for People who cannot — or will not — relinquish their relative independence as a motorist with a car in the garage and places to go. In Maryland, older men and women every year…


Baltimore Auto Injury Update: Burn Injuries Due to Car Fires can be Life-threatening

Anyone who has ever survived a vehicle fire — whether the result of a car, truck or motorcycle accident, or because of a defective vehicle component – can truly be considered lucky. It’s one thing to be injured in a traffic collision and have to wait for emergency personal or…


Baltimore Traffic Accident News: Pedestrian Hit-and-Runs around Maryland Still Cause for Concern

Most anyone who has been following the news over the past few months likely could not help but notice the spate of hit-and-run motor vehicle accidents involving cars, pedestrians and bicyclists throughout parts of Maryland. Of all the different kinds of roadway collisions that can occur, pedestrian accidents are among…


Baltimore Personal Injury, Auto Accident News: Despite New Law, Texting Still Poses Danger to Maryland Drivers

As most everyone understands by now, texting while driving is one of the more dangerous activities that a motorist can undertake while operating a passenger car or commercial truck. Since the advent of text-capable cell phones and now smart phones, thousands of traffic accidents have been attributed to drivers texting…

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