
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog


Baltimore Personal Injury News: Maryland Residents Injured following Out-of-State Traffic Accident with Big Rig

Although it is common to assume that the negligent party in a traffic accident personal injury case is usually the other driver, it is not uncommon to find the passengers of a vehicle filing a personal injury claim against the driver of the car in which they were riding. In…


Baltimore Personal Injury News: Speeding Blamed in Fatal Howard County Traffic Accident that Killed Two Teenagers

Almost every driver on Maryland roads has heard the phrase, “Speed Kills,” but fewer among us know of someone who has actually died as a result of a speeding-related traffic accident. Over the years, as Maryland personal injury lawyers representing individuals hurt as a result of car, truck and motorcycle…


Maryland DUI Accident Update: Woman Critically Injured in Possible Drug-related DWI Traffic Accident

Although drunken driving is one of the more common traffic offenses in Maryland, there are other types of impaired driving offenses that can result in potential personal injury and property damage along our roadways. As Maryland personal injury attorneys dealing in auto, truck and motorcycle accidents, we read reports every…


Baltimore Traffic Fatality News: Three-car Accident in Frederick County, MD, Leaves One Person Dead

Being injured in a multi-vehicle roadway accident is not an uncommon experience for those unlucky enough to have been caught in a car, truck or motorcycle crash. For those who have survived a serious highway wreck, there is no doubt that any injuries sustained in such a collision could have…


Maryland Personal Injury Update: Rollover Traffic Accidents Pose Serious Danger to SUV and Passenger Van Occupants

We’ll be quite frank here: Automobile collisions are one of the most violent kinds of personal injury accidents out there, especially on our high-speed interstates and even on some secondary roads. In fact, as Maryland auto accident lawyers, I and my staff have seen the results of some very serious…


Baltimore Auto Accident News: Three Separate Maryland Traffic Fatalities in St. Mary’s, Calvert and Charles Counties

Many people subscribe to the adage, Bad things come in threes, but sadly this saying would apply to one news article we ran across a while back. Although many individuals are hurt or permanently injured in the Maryland and Washington, D.C., areas, it is true that a percentage of car,…


Maryland Auto Injury News: Driver Survives, Two Others Die in Fatal Montgomery County Traffic Accident

Another alcohol-related car crash has taken the lives of two people in Montgomery County, MD — barely a day into the New Year, according to news reports. As Baltimore automobile and motorcycle accident attorneys, I and my colleagues understand the anguish that victims families go through following a fatal traffic…


Baltimore Traffic Accident News: Marylanders Killed, Injured in Multiple Car, Truck and Bus Crashes

Sad as it is to report, car, truck and motorcycle accidents will likely remain a fact of life as we continue to soldier on into the New Year. As Maryland personal injury lawyers, I and my legal staff do not expect that 2012 will deliver and better news in terms…


Baltimore Auto Injury Update: Beware Cheap Taxi, Limousine Rides; Uninsured Cabbies can Cost You Big

These days, with the economy still struggling to get a foothold, many people are cutting corners to make ends meet. Similarly, many retailers and service providers are cutting their prices to compete with the limited pool of discretionary monies in family budgets. While taking a cab or hiring a limo…


Montgomery County Auto Accident News: Maryland Man Sentenced to 20 Years for Fatal DUI Crash

Our judicial system has ways of dealing with those who have violated the laws put in place to make our land a safe and civilized place in which to live. Some individuals, whether through malice of forethought or through negligent actions, cross the line between good and bad; those people…

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