Over the years, the American consumer has come to expect a fairly high standard of quality in the products he or she buys. Part and parcel with this is the understanding — and in many cases explicit promises — that certain products will be safe at the time of purchase…
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog
Baltimore Traffic Safety News: Has Proliferation of Red-light Cameras Actually Reduced Maryland’s Automobile Accident Rate?
Anyone who drives here in Maryland has probably seen one or more of the nearly 200 red-light cameras dotting the landscape all around our roadways. The trend toward adding these monitor cameras has no doubt raised drivers’ awareness of the ever-watchful eye of government, but it also begs the question…
Maryland Personal Injury Update: Keep Your Kids Safe from Non-traffic-related Automobile Accidents
Try as they might, parents cannot protect their children from every single risk kids face during their lives. The best we as adults can do is to watch them closely as they grow up and teach them to be cautious and aware of the dangers around them. One of the…
Maryland Car Accident News: Two Children Die in Multi-vehicle Prince George’s County Traffic Accident
Car, truck and motorcycle crashes can be horrendous events depending on the circumstances. For many people, a minor traffic accident can shake one up, cause some cuts and bruises, and leave the family vehicle in less than good-running condition; on the other hand, a bad highway collision involving a more…
Auto Injury News: Maryland Driver Hurt as Pickup Collides with Tractor-trailer Rig along U.S. 50
Injury accidents happen all of the time here in Maryland; and there is likely no chance that they will ever completely cease. Save for a complete cessation of driving, which is highly unlikely here in Baltimore or anywhere else around the country, it’s a fair bet that people will continue…
Annapolis Traffic Accident News: Four People Die in Deadly Head-on Collision on Maryland Rte 50
Hundreds of people are killed every year in head-on traffic accidents all across the United States. Here in Maryland, we certainly have our share of tragic collisions where a vehicle crosses over the centerline of a two-way street or highway and collides with another car or truck. Depending on whether…
Baltimore Auto Accident News: Two Multi-car Crashes in Maryland Result in One Fatality, Several Injuries
Being hit by another vehicle can, without a doubt, by a shocking and nerve-shattering event for anyone in a passenger car. Few traffic accidents are uneventful experiences, though fatal car crashes are, thankfully, not as common as those causing minor to severe injuries. Nevertheless, fatal and near-fatal roadway collisions are…
Baltimore Personal Injury News: Maryland Women Die in Fatal Silver Spring, MD, Single-car Crash
Few events are as heart-rending as the death of a young person on the cusp of life. A person who has yet to experience the full breadth of adulthood deserves better than to die too soon and certainly not as a result of another’s negligent actions. Sadly, fate can be…
Maryland Auto Accident News: Taxi Cab Runs Red Light; Damages Four Vehicles, Injures One Person
While it may seem trite to say that automobile and truck accidents happen all of the time, it’s nonetheless true. Whether one drives in Annapolis, Rockville, Bowie or the District, it’s a sure bet that any one of us will drive past the site of a car, truck or motorcycle…
Maryland Injury Accident News: Young South Baltimore Boy Dies in Multi-vehicle Beltway Traffic Collision
Being injured through the negligence of another individual can be a painful, costly and sometimes life-changing event. Because we as adults have the advantage of many years of life experience, we can see the world for what it is — an often dangerous place filled with pitfalls and potential risks.…