
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog


Montgomery County Man Goes Away for Barely 5 Years Following Fatal PCP-related Traffic Collision

Kill someone on the road these days and you may not be facing hard time, or so it would seem following the sentencing of a Burtonsville, MD, man who was charged with the death of one person in connection with a 2011 car accident. The charge in question was involuntary…


Excessive Speed Cited in Baltimore County Injury Accident that Sent Maryland Driver to the Hospital

If one could turn back the clock and prevent a tragic accident or even a less serious one, would it be all that difficult to do? As Maryland automobile and commercial trucking accident attorneys, we’d have to say, “Yes and no.” Understanding how car, truck and motorcycle crashes come to…


Failure to Yield Results in Death of One Driver in Fatal Howard County Car Wreck

It seems that at almost every turn we run into examples of poor driving causing death and injury on Maryland roadways. It’s not so surprising as it is disheartening to see the numerous victims of these senseless car, truck and motorcycle crashes. Not only the victims, but their families are…


Why Seatbelts? Occupant Safety Still Relies on Simplest of Devices in a Car Crash

We’ve all seen this happen; children, teens, 20-somethings or full-grown adults — who, we might remind, should know better — riding in moving vehicles without the benefit of a safety belt. Parents are responsible for their children wearing seatbelts or using approved safety seats in the family sedan, minivan or…


Maryland Police Take Measured Approach to Aggressive Drivers; “Take 30” Created to Reduce Car Accidents

We’ve seen it for years, the effects of aggressive driving and the toll it can take on victims involved in altercations on the highways and surface streets. The sad fact is, aggressive driving is probably one of the more “preventable” causes of traffic wrecks here in Maryland. As Baltimore personal…


While Helping to Reduce Serious Traffic Accidents, Roundabouts Continully Present Challenges to Maryland Drivers

As a personal injury firm that represents automobile and trucking accident victims, I and my staff of legal professionals know the downside of being involved in a serious car, truck or motorcycle collision. The number and severity of auto accident injuries can be quite significant in our line of work.…


Maryland Man Charged Following Car Crash and Fire that Killed Three Passengers in Montgomery County

Aside from the old saying that crime doesn’t pay, we also know that nobody deserves to die in a car accident due to the actions of another individual. As Maryland personal injury lawyers, I and my staff of experienced legal professionals have a fair amount of insight into the range…


Trying to Cut Corners with Your Insurance Company Can Get Drivers in Very Hot Water

As Maryland and Washington, D.C., personal injury attorneys, my firm is dedicated to helping those individuals who have been injured or hurt as a result of another person’s negligent actions. Because we cover automotive, trucking and motorcycle accident cases, we have the skills to represent motorists who are suffering the…


Driver Gets Three Years in Jail after Conviction for Fatal Olney DWI Car Accident

It never ceases to amaze us as we follow the number of alcohol- or drug-related traffic accidents, even in the light of increased DWI and DUI enforcement and multiple anti-drunk driving campaigns. Still, every year thousands of drivers, passengers, adults and children are hurt or killed as the direct result…

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