In devastating news, two Maryland teenagers were pronounced dead on the scene of a crash after their sedan crashed into a tractor-trailer on a highway. The driver of the sedan and the right rear passenger were the two teens who died at the scene. The third teen, who was sitting…
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog
Two Hospitalized in Maryland Pileup
Multi-car pileups are undoubtedly dangerous: they block traffic, risk the lives and wellbeing of multiple drivers and countless passengers, and can contribute to other accidents. In addition to putting more people at risk, pileups can be a nightmare for people trapped inside the wreckage of multiple vehicles. Emergency personnel may…
Intoxication and Improper Passing Leads to Two Dead
As smaller and harder to see citizens of the road, bicyclists are often in danger from the risk of drivers attempting to pass other vehicles without checking for oncoming traffic. This risk is compounded when intoxicated drivers are behind the wheel. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 11,654…
Maryland Pedestrian Struck and Killed while Walking Down Highway
Many busy, high-speed roadways lack sidewalks or any lane for pedestrians. The lack of protection poses a risk to pedestrians of injury or death. Too often, pedestrians cannot avoid these roadways, such as highways or interstates. For example, if a driver encounters a flat tire, check engine light, or even…
Speeding and Alcohol Leads to One Dead in Maryland Rear-End Crash
Driving at high speeds can lead to devastating consequences and endangers everyone sharing the road, including other drivers and pedestrians. Alcohol consumption is a common factor involved in speeding crashes on the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2018, drivers who were speeding when in fatal…
Wrong-Way Accident Leads to One Dead on Maryland Highway
When it comes to driving, there is no question that paying close attention to road signs, traffic signals, and your surroundings is essential to road safety. According to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), wrong-way driving involves “vehicular movement along a travel lane in a direction opposing the legal flow…
Woman Struck and Killed while Attempting to Change a Flat Tire
Highways, interstates, and other high-speed roadways can be extremely dangerous for pedestrians. Many roads that lack sidewalks forbid pedestrians from walking on the side of the road to ensure their safety, however, sometimes pedestrians may not be able to avoid finding themselves on a high-speed roadway. If someone has car…
How Fault is Allocated in a Maryland Multiple Vehicle Accident
When an accident involves multiple parties, things can get complicated fast. As an initial matter, figuring out who was at fault and what percentage of the fault should be allocated to them in the accident may be in dispute. In addition, figuring out how much fault others have, if any,…
Understanding the Limitations of Maryland Wrongful Death Lawsuits
When we lose a loved one unexpectedly in an accident, it can be extremely stressful knowing what steps to take next. Whether it’s figuring out medical expenses that your loved one incurred or working out how you will provide for your family in the wake of losing your loved one,…
Staying Safe While Driving in Winter Conditions in Maryland
Although most Maryland locals are probably familiar with snow and ice, not every Maryland resident knows how to properly drive when there are snowy road conditions. Even for experienced drivers, winter weather conditions can make for dangerous and stressful drives because visibility is low and the roads are slippery. To…