
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog


Four-Car Accident Sends One to the Hospital in Baltimore

Last month, a four-car accident in Baltimore sent one person to the hospital in what witnesses describe as a “chain reaction” of rear-end collisions. According to a report by the Baltimore Sun, the accident occurred near Jones Junction and the Bel Air police barracks. Apparently, one car slammed into another…


Should Interlock Ignition Devices Be Required for Drunk Drivers?

It’s common knowledge that drunk driving is the cause of countless accidents across Maryland, many of which result in serious injury. For the most part, the State of Maryland takes drunk driving offenses very seriously due to the danger it presents to everyone on the road. However, unlike many other…


District Court Decision Affirms Importance of Knowing the Terms of your Car Insurance Policy

In a recent district court case in West Virginia, the court reached an opinion, which demonstrates the absolute importance of understanding the terms of your car insurance policy. In the case, Lewis v. Likens, Dist. Court, SD W. Va. (2013), an elderly resident of an unlicensed nursing home facility was…


U.S. Court of Appeals Affirms Judgment in Favor of Defendant in Maryland Contributory Negligence Case

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit reached a decision this year regarding Maryland’s contributory negligence bar to recovery in any personal injury action. In the case, Saravia v. Chen, U.S. Ct. App., 4th Cir. (2013), the plaintiffs filed a negligence and wrongful death action following a fatal…


Appeal Planned in $1 Million Judgment Stemming from Seeder-Planter Car Collision Personal Injury Lawsuit

Defense attorneys in a personal injury case that involved a seeder-planter and a car that caused one individual to lose an eye announced their plans to appeal the judgment to Maryland’s Court of Special Appeals. The judgment, at just over $1 million, is reportedly the largest known judgment for a…


Maryland Appeals Court Affirms Exclusion of Testimony Regarding Defendant’s Conduct Following Car Accident

In a ruling earlier this year, the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland clarified the nature of damages available for emotional distress, and Maryland’s stance on recovery for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. The case, Alban v. FIELS, 61 A. 3d 867 (2013), involved a car accident between two passenger…


Texters Could Potentially Face Liability for Sending Messages to Drivers Later Involved in Car Accidents, State Court Rules

In a recent car accident case, Kubert v. Best, et. al, Sup. Ct. NJ, App. Div. (2013) , a New Jersey appeals court examined whether an individual sending text messages to a driver may be held liable for any resulting accidents caused as a result. The state has laws forbidding…


Husband Sues Wife’s Employer for Wrongful Death Following Tragic Car Accident

In an unorthodox twist to the typical car accident fatality case, an Ohio man is suing his wife’s former employer, claiming that they are responsible for causing the single vehicle accident that killed her. The lawsuit, Jasper et. al v. Jewish Hospital et. al, details the hospital’s procedures of regularly…

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