
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog


Three-Car Accident on Route 340 Kills Two, Injures Four

Earlier this month, an accident on Route 340, near Frederick, MD, claimed two lives and injured four others. According to a report by, the accident occurred on a Saturday afternoon when one vehicle inexplicably crossed the median of the highway and collided with another vehicle head on. After the…


A Series of Accidents in Prince George’s County Leaves Two Dead and One Injured

Two people were killed and another critically injured in a series of auto accidents in Prince George’s County. According to a report by ABC 7, the accidents all occurred around Wednesday, March 5, 2014. The First Accident A violent collision occurred Wednesday night on the 8600 block of Contee Road…


If Passed, “Jake’s Law” May Increase the Penalties for Cell Phone Use Resulting in an Accident

Maryland lawmakers are considering a new bill, named “Jake’s Law,” that would increase the penalties for causing an accident resulting in death while texting or talking on a cell phone. The bill is named after a young, 5-year-old accident victim from Baltimore. Back in December of 2011, Jake was killed…


Maryland College Student Killed in Hit and Run Accident

Earlier last month a University of Maryland student lost his life while crossing the street in Prince George’s County. According to a report by the Washington Post, the student had recently returned from a study abroad program in Australia and was looking forward to graduating with a degree in kinesiology…


Car Splits in Half, Killing Two, After Getting into an Accident with a Taxi

Earlier this week, an accident near the Landover Metro Station left an Acura split in half and both of its occupants dead. According to a report by WTOP, the driver of the Acura was heading in the opposite direction as a taxi when the driver of the Acura lost control…

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