
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog


Driver in Tragic Oklahoma Parade Accident May Have Been Acting Intentionally

Earlier last month, three adults and one two-year-old child were killed when a woman crashed through a barricade at the Oklahoma State University homecoming parade. Somewhere around 46 others were injured. In a recent local news article, prosecutors told reporters that they believe the woman behind the wheel that day…


Woodlawn Pedestrian Accident Kills One, Seriously Injures Another

Earlier this month in Woodlawn, a pedestrian accident claimed the life of one Maryland woman and seriously injured a second person. According to one local news report, the accident took place in the early morning hours at the intersection of Security Boulevard and Gwynn Oak Avenue. Evidently, the pedestrians were…


Court Holds Accident Victim’s Potential Medicaid and Medicare Benefits Not Admissible at Trial

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of Florida heard a case between the family of a developmentally disabled man and the family’s uninsured motorist insurance carrier, ruling that the insurance carrier was not permitted to bring up evidence of the man’s potential future benefits though Medicare or Medicaid. In the…


Trial Judge Allowed to Modify Jury Verdict in Favor of Plaintiff When Jury’s Verdict “Shockingly” Low

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of South Carolina heard an interesting case dealing with the trial judge’s ability to modify a jury’s verdict if he or she does not agree with the amount of compensation after liability has been established. In the case, Riley v. Ford Motor Company, the…


State Supreme Court Reverses Plaintiff’s Award for Punitive Damages

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of Kentucky handed down a decision that reversed the punitive damages awarded by a jury at trial. In the case, Nissan v. Maddox, the plaintiff was a woman who was injured in an accident while driving her Nissan Pathfinder along the highway. Evidently, a…


Driver Arrested and Charged with DUI Homicide After Fatal Southern Maryland Accident

Earlier this month, an Indian Head man was arrested and charged with several DUI-related charges for his involvement in a fatal DUI accident that took place back in April of this year. According to one local news source, the accident took place during the late evening hours of April 28.…

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