
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog


Recovering Compensation After a Hit-and-Run Accident

Hit-and-run accidents can be devastating. On top of the physical injuries and property damage sustained in the accident, there is often no party to look to for responsibility. This can leave an injured accident victim in a very unfortunate financial situation. Thankfully, under Maryland law, a driver’s own insurance company…


Determining Fault in Maryland Multi-Vehicle Accidents

Some accidents involve only one or two vehicles, and it is easy for authorities to determine who was at fault and to issue the necessary citations. However, other accidents involve multiple parties, and in these situations authorities may have a difficult time ascertaining what caused the initial accident and who was…


Appellate Court Affirms Exclusion of Plaintiff’s Medical Expert Testimony Based on Lack of Certainty

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of the State of Montana decided a case that illustrates how courts view expert testimony in personal injury cases. While the case arose under Montana law, the laws applied in the case are similar to those in Maryland, and Maryland accident victims should be…


Plaintiff Sanctioned by Court for Bringing Claim for Punitive Damages Without Basis

Earlier this month, a state supreme court heard a case that was filed by one motorist against another, alleging that the defendant’s negligence caused not only the accident but also the injuries the plaintiff suffered. The case contained claims of both compensatory and punitive damages, alleging that the defendant’s “willful,…


Court Reversed Dismissal of Case Based on Trial Judge’s Improper Jury Instructions

Earlier last month, a state supreme court handed down a decision reversing a lower court’s ruling in favor of a defendant who struck a pedestrian as she was crossing the street. The court based its reversal on the improper jury instructions that were given by the trial judge. Samson v.…


Car Accident Victim’s Failure to Submit Evidence of Negligence Results in Dismissal of Case

Earlier last month, the Supreme Court of Rhode Island issued a decision affirming a lower court’s dismissal of a case against a defendant in a car accident case. In the case, Wray v. Green, the plaintiffs’ case was dismissed because they failed to submit any evidence indicating that the defendant…


New Trial Granted to Plaintiff When Jury Returned $1 Pain-and-Suffering Award

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of Iowa heard a case that required the court to determine whether the jury-determined award of $1 for the plaintiff’s pain and suffering was consistent with the jury’s determination that the man incurred nearly $17,000 in medical bills. Ultimately, the court held that the…


Accident Victim’s Claim Against City that Concrete Barriers Were Improperly Installed Failed for Lack of Expert’s Testimony

Earlier this month, a Montana court dismissed a plaintiff’s claim based on the fact that the plaintiff failed to introduce evidence of the applicable standard of care to which the defendant’s conduct could be compared. In the case, Not Afraid v. Montana, the plaintiff was paralyzed after the vehicle he…

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