
Maryland Car Accident Attorney Blog


The Difficulties of Dealing with Insurance Companies after a Maryland Car Accident

In Maryland, all motorists are required to maintain auto insurance. The purpose of requiring motorists to obtain car insurance is to ensure that, in the event of an accident, accident victims have an avenue of recovery to help them recover the costs associated with the accident. An insurance contract is…


Pursuing a Virginia Wrongful Death Case Following a Fatal Drunk Driving Accident

In Virginia, like elsewhere in the country, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is against the law. However, despite the known dangers and potential criminal consequences of drunk driving, there are approximately 7,500 Virginia DUI car accidents each year. Not surprisingly, roughly half of these accidents result in…


Maryland Employers Can Be Held Liable for the Negligent Acts of Their Employees

When an employee causes a Maryland car accident, anyone injured as a result of the accident may be able to pursue a claim against both the negligent driver and their employer under the doctrine of respondeat superior. However, to establish employer liability in a Maryland car accident, the plaintiff must…


Drunk Driving Remains a Leading Cause of Fatal Maryland Car Accidents

While the number of Maryland drunk driving accidents continues to slowly decrease year over year, impaired driving is still a leading cause of Maryland car accidents. Indeed, according to the most recent government statistics, there are on average 443 people seriously injured and 160 killed in Maryland drunk driving accidents…


Expert Witness Testimony May Be Necessary in Some Maryland Car Accident Cases

Under Maryland law, a party in a personal injury lawsuit may present testimony from an expert witness only in certain circumstances. That being the case, expert witnesses do not testify in most Maryland car accidents. However, there are cases where the need for an expert witness arises. Typically, this is…


Maryland Weather-Related Car Accident Claims the Lives of Five Children

Earlier this month, a fatal Maryland car accident claimed the lives of five children and seriously injured two adults. According to a local news report covering the tragic accident, all seven passengers were in a single minivan, and no other vehicles were involved in the crash. Evidently, the accident victims…


Victims of Maryland Road Rage May Be Able to Pursue a Claim against Multiple Parties

Few experiences behind the wheel are more terrifying than being on the wrong end of another driver’s road rage. While road rage may not be listed as a primary cause of Maryland car accidents, aggressive driving is more common than most motorists believe. For example, in 2015, there were approximately…


The Frustrations of Dealing with an Insurance Company after a Maryland Car Accident

In the wake of a serious Maryland car accident, accident victims face many difficulties. Of course, these include overcoming the physical and emotional injuries that come along with being involved in a serious accident. However, even after an accident victim has physically recovered as best they can, before they can…


Government Liability in Maryland Car Accidents Caused by Dangerous or Poorly Maintained Roads

While governments may be entitled to immunity in some car accidents that are based on a negligent-design theory, the government can still be held liable for failing to safely maintain a road or highway. However, the distinction between design and maintenance is not always clear-cut. For example, consider the following:…

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