
Articles Posted in Fatal Traffic Accidents


State of Maryland Bills Deceased Driver for Damage to Guardrail following Fatal Rte 32 Car Accident

Some things that occur in this life are just not right, and everybody knows it. When an individual is seriously hurt or killed in a traffic accident, there are no words that one can say to the family of that victim, yet as friends, relatives and neighbors we try to…


Maryland Auto Accident News: Fatal Car Wreck on Baltimore-Washington Pkwy Kills Infant, Two Others

When it comes to personal injury, nobody wishes for it to happen, yet there are worse scenarios that can occur to a person or an entire family. As most every parent, grandparent or adult relative will tell you, it is hard to see a young child, sibling or grandchild injured…


Maryland Personal Injury News: Pickup Truck Driver Hospitalized after Fatal St. Mary’s County Traffic Accident

If you follow the news long enough, some traffic accident reports stick out as being either incredibly unlikely or based in a reality that most of the driving public hopefully has never experienced. Chronic drunk drivers, for example, can operate their vehicles in an inebriated state completely without incident for…


Baltimore Auto Accident Update: Aggressive Driving Causes 50 Percent of All Maryland Traffic Collisions

As Maryland personal injury attorneys and drivers ourselves, it’s not hard to notice one the biggest threats to traffic safety on the road today. As many motorists already know, aggressive driving is a significant cause of many traffic wrecks these days. In fact, just standing on a street corner in…


Baltimore Traffic Accident News: Two Dead in Fatal Early Morning Highway Collision in Cecil County, MD

Faulty vehicle equipment is just one of the many causes of fatal and injury-related auto, truck and motorcycle wrecks here in Maryland. While failure of safety equipment and other critical vehicle control systems may only account for a small percentage of traffic fatalities, this is nonetheless a potential for tragic…


Baltimore Injury Accident News: Elderly Maryland Resident Dies in Anne Arundel County Two-car Traffic Collision

When it comes to surviving a serious car, motorcycle or commercial truck accident, fate does not discriminate between young or old, man or woman, driver or passenger. Depending on the type of accident, injuries can range from minor to severe, or somewhere in between. In the worst of cases, fatal…


Baltimore Auto Accident News: Maryland Woman Dies in Single-car Anne Arundel County Rollover Crash

Although it’s difficult to imagine, at least for those who haven’t been in a car crash, a single-vehicle accident can be quite serious for those involved. And while the circumstances of a single-car or single-truck wreck are unique, the results are typically similar depending on the severity of the crash…


Baltimore Personal Injury News: Pasadena, MD, Man Dies in Glen Burnie Traffic Accident

During the summer months is when we tend to see a greater frequency of car-motorcycle accidents here in Maryland. Of course, most every motorcycle rider knows that his or her chosen pastime can be fraught with risks, but when managed well those risks can be minimized, though not always eliminated.…


Maryland Personal Injury News: Glen Burnie Man Killed in Car Accident with Unlicensed Teen Driver

It’s one thing for an unlicensed or uninsured individual to drive a motor vehicle unlawfully on a public road without incident, but it’s a totally different story when someone who is untrained, uninsured or otherwise unauthorized to drive and then crash that car, truck or motorcycle on the street. To…


Baltimore Automobile Injury Accident News: Charles County Driver Killed in Fatal Three-Car Traffic Wreck

All manner of individuals travel Maryland’s roadways every day, each of them trusting in their own way that the drivers of all the other vehicles with whom they share the road are each paying attention and doing the right thing. As Baltimore personal injury lawyers and auto/trucking accident attorneys, we…

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